Any teaching parent knows that homeschooling is
a calling and a sacrifice, something done from the heart.

There are inevitable ups and downs
from combining parenting and teaching.
Sometimes, others misunderstand.

Parenting and homeschooling require a heart focused on God and locked onto the children being taught. It must be willing to quiet itself during the painful vicissitudes of life. The heart of the teaching parent needs to be flexible, resilient, and itself teachable.

When my husband and I homeschooled, we worked to focus on God’s Word even as we learned it, sometimes merely groping our way along. We learned to manage everything life threw at us.

Much was hoped for, much happened we wished had not, yet much joy resulted. God’s blessings came in spite of us!

The indomitable Helen Keller was a woman with trials few ever know: blind, deaf, and “dumb” from childhood, her spirit came to learn only under the instruction of her tutor, Annie Sullivan. Annie had a teacher’s heart that unlocked Helen’s greatness.  It is the heart which finds a way to say that which is difficult to express with words alone.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world

cannot be seen or even touched.

They must be felt with the heart.”

Helen Keller

Eventually you will reach the end of your homeschooling and look back to evaluate. Tears may flow and regrets may arise. The agonies of “you should have done this, said that” will not help. Instead, package those years gently and lay them at the foot of the Cross, then accept what is. The job will be finished.

But for now, plan your homeschool year, ponder Keller’s statement, and slow down. Children are only young for a short time. Do not worry about what other people say their children are doing, work where the Lord directs you and your family. Keep working, but center your heartbeats on the Lord and remain reflective, teachable, and soft. Rest in Him…and teach.

Have a great year!


3 responses to “Homeschooling from the Heart”

  1. Thank you for this reminder!

  2. Jenn Braden says:

    I was browsing your blog posts and came across thing. I think I need to frame it and put it on my school shelf. Thank you for the gentle reminder – it’s hard not to lose sight of this in those very early years you speak of, the years where you’re so worried about getting off to a good start and doing it all “right”. 🙂 We newbie moms need the advice and reminders of those who’ve survived the journey, like you. Thank you! 🙂


  3. Thank you, Jenn. It’s great to get responses once in awhile to these posts. Sometimes one feels they fall into a black hole in cyberspace. I’m glad this ministered to you. When I started homeschooling there were few women “ahead” of me in the process. I vowed when I finished that I would be there for the younger women who came after me. We each need to remember that God expects us to pass the baton to the next generation. Doing so is a lovely compensation for aging. Even knowing I made mistakes, I also know now that some of what I did right is useful to others. And your kids? They are far more resilient than you realize, and they love you even when you do make mistakes.

    And by the way? NO ONE gets out of the parenting job without making lots of mistakes, nor from homeschooling. The bigger the call, the more room for error, but that’s why we need The Holy Spirit, isn’t it?

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